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Experiencing Ebisu Circuit Matsuri – OMGDrift.com Guest Blog

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After staying with the guys at OMGDrift.com in LA for a couple of weeks I decided to use my head and write a blog post for them! I am pretty close to the worst writter ever but gave it a crack haha. 
Here’s a piece from the blog post on OMGDrift.com

Every Friday before Matsuri weekend, Ebisu Circuit runs a competition called G1GP. It’s a comp for Gaijin drifters that aren’t from Japan.
This is judged by D1 drivers, Naoto Suenaga and Nobushige Kumakubo. It’s a pretty great opportunity to battle other drivers from around the world in nearly stock cars on all the same tyres. There’s probably not a car over 250kw competing and they’re call running Kenda tyres, super even field. You can really tell from watching who can actually drive and who is pretty average when they don’t have a 400kw JZ or RB engine under the hood running Achilles 123’s….

Read the enitre post with images HERE